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BIOL 4444 - Herpetology Guide


Scaphiopus couchii

Couch's Spadefoot

Family: Scaphiopodidae - procoelous vertebrae, arciferal girdle; keratinized tubercle on each hind foot.

Scaphiopus couchii - pigmented edge of metatarsal tubercle about twice as long as wide

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Scaphiopus hurterii

Hurter's spadefoot

Family: Scaphiopodidae - procoelous vertebrae, arciferal girdle; keratinized tubercle on each hind foot.

Scaphiopus hurterii - pectoral glands present

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Anaxyrus americanus charlesmithi

Dwarf American Toad

Family: Bufonidae - Procoelous vertebrae, arciferal or pseudofirmisternal girdle; axillary amplexus, usually external fertilization -> type 4 larvae; Bidder's organ retained (paedomorphic), teeth absent; well-developed granular glands usually with bufotoxin

Anaxyrus americanus charlesmithi

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Bufo houstonensis

Houston Toad

Family: Bufonidae - Procoelous vertebrae, arciferal or pseudofirmisternal girdle; axillary amplexus, usually external fertilization -> type 4 larvae; Bidder's organ retained (paedomorphic), teeth absent; well-developed granular glands usually with bufotoxin

Anaxyrus houstonensis

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Anaxyrus speciosus

Texas Toad

Family: Bufonidae - Procoelous vertebrae, arciferal or pseudofirmisternal girdle; axillary amplexus, usually external fertilization -> type 4 larvae; Bidder's organ retained (paedomorphic), teeth absent; well-developed granular glands usually with bufotoxin

Anaxyrus speciosus

Anaxyrus woodhousii

Woodhouse's Toad

Family: Bufonidae - Procoelous vertebrae, arciferal or pseudofirmisternal girdle; axillary amplexus, usually external fertilization -> type 4 larvae; Bidder's organ retained (paedomorphic), teeth absent; well-developed granular glands usually with bufotoxin

Anaxyrus woodhousii

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Incilius valliceps

Gulf Coast Toad

Family: Bufonidae - Procoelous vertebrae, arciferal or pseudofirmisternal girdle; axillary amplexus, usually external fertilization -> type 4 larvae; Bidder's organ retained (paedomorphic), teeth absent; well-developed granular glands usually with bufotoxin

Incilius nebulifer

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Rhinella marina

Cane Toad

Family: Bufonidae - Procoelous vertebrae, arciferal or pseudofirmisternal girdle; axillary amplexus, usually external fertilization -> type 4 larvae; Bidder's organ retained (paedomorphic), teeth absent; well-developed granular glands usually with bufotoxin

Rhinella marina

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Syrrhophus cystignathoides

Rio Grande Chirping Frog

Family: Eleutherodactylidae - Procoelous vertebrae, 8 presacrals; arciferal or pseudofirmisternal girdle (all cartilaginous)

Subfamily: Eleutherodactylinae

Eleutherodactylus cystignathoides

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Gastrophryne carolinensis

Eastern Narrowmouth Toad

Family: Microhylidae - Procoelous vertebrae, arciferal girdle; axillary amplexus, external fertilization -> usually type 2 larvae; adults with folds in soft palate, larvae without cornified denticles

Subfamily: Gastrophryninae

Gastrophryne carolinensis

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Gastrophryne olivacea

Great Plains Narrowmouth Toad

Family: Microhylidae - Procoelous vertebrae, arciferal girdle; axillary amplexus, external fertilization -> usually type 2 larvae; adults with folds in soft palate, larvae without cornified denticles

Subfamily: Gastrophryninae

Gastrophryne olivacea

Acris blanchardi

Blanchard's Cricket Frog

Family: Hylidae - Procoelous vertrbrae, arciferal girdle; axillary amplexus, external fertilization -> usually type 4 larvae; Claw-shaped terminal phalanges with polygonal epithelium

Subfamily: Hylinae

Acris blanchardi

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Hyla cinerea

Green Treefrog

Family: Hylidae - Procoelous vertrbrae, arciferal girdle; axillary amplexus, external fertilization -> usually type 4 larvae; Claw-shaped terminal phalanges with polygonal epithelium

Subfamily: Hylinae

Hyla cinerea

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Hyla squirella

Squirrel Treefrog

Family: Hylidae - Procoelous vertrbrae, arciferal girdle; axillary amplexus, external fertilization -> usually type 4 larvae; Claw-shaped terminal phalanges with polygonal epithelium

Subfamily: Hylinae

Hyla squirella

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Hyla versicolor

Gray Treefrog

Family: Hylidae - Procoelous vertrbrae, arciferal girdle; axillary amplexus, external fertilization -> usually type 4 larvae; Claw-shaped terminal phalanges with polygonal epithelium

Subfamily: Hylinae

Hyla versicolor

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Hyla chrysoscelis

Cope's Gray Treefrog

Family: Hylidae - Procoelous vertrbrae, arciferal girdle; axillary amplexus, external fertilization -> usually type 4 larvae; Claw-shaped terminal phalanges with polygonal epithelium

Subfamily: Hylinae

Hyla chrysoscelis

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Pseudacris clarkii

Spotted Chorus Frog

Family: Hylidae - Procoelous vertrbrae, arciferal girdle; axillary amplexus, external fertilization -> usually type 4 larvae; Claw-shaped terminal phalanges with polygonal epithelium

Subfamily: Hylinae

Pseudacris clarkii

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Pseudacris crucifer

Spring Peeper

Family: Hylidae - Procoelous vertrbrae, arciferal girdle; axillary amplexus, external fertilization -> usually type 4 larvae; Claw-shaped terminal phalanges with polygonal epithelium

Subfamily: Hylinae

Pseudacris crucifer

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Psudacris fouquettei

Cajun Chorus Frog

Family: Hylidae - Procoelous vertrbrae, arciferal girdle; axillary amplexus, external fertilization -> usually type 4 larvae; Claw-shaped terminal phalanges with polygonal epithelium

Subfamily: Hylinae

Pseudacris fouquettei

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Lithobates areolatus areolatus

Southern Crawfish Frog

Family: Ranidae - Procoelous vertebrae, firmisternal girdle; usually axillary amplexus, external fertilization -> type 4 larvae or direct development

Lithobates areolatus areolatus

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American bullfrog

Family: Ranidae - Procoelous vertebrae, firmisternal girdle; usually axillary amplexus, external fertilization -> type 4 larvae or direct development

Lithobates catesbeianus

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Lithobates clamitans clamitans

Bronze Frog

Family: Ranidae - Procoelous vertebrae, firmisternal girdle; usually axillary amplexus, external fertilization -> type 4 larvae or direct development

Lithobates clamitans

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Pickerel frog

Family: Ranidae - Procoelous vertebrae, firmisternal girdle; usually axillary amplexus, external fertilization -> type 4 larvae or direct development

Lithobates palustris

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Lithobates sphenocephalus utricularius

Coastal Plains Leopard Frog

Family: Ranidae - Procoelous vertebrae, firmisternal girdle; usually axillary amplexus, external fertilization -> type 4 larvae or direct development

Lithobates sphenocephalus utricularius

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Species List

Anura (Salientia)
         Scaphiopus hurterii

         Anaxyrus americanus charlesmithi
         Anaxyrus houstonensis
​         Anaxyrus speciosus
         Anaxyrus woodhousii
         Incilius nebulifer
         Rhinella marina

         Eleutherodactylus cystignathoides  
         Gastrophryne carolinensis
         Gastrophryne olivacea

         Acris blanchardi
         Hyla cinerea
         Hyla squirella
         Hyla versicolor 
x chrysoscelis
         Pseudacris clarkii
         Pseudacris crucifer
         Pseudacris fouquettei
         Lithobates a. areolatus
         Lithobates catesbeianus
​         Lithobates clamitans
         Lithobates palustris

         Lithobates sphenocephalus utricularius

Photo Credit

All images are linked from the East Texas Digital Herpetology Collection and are protected under Title 17 of the U.S. Copyright Law. Images are available for non-commercial research and education. For permission to publish or reproduce, please contact the East Texas Research Center at

Photographers: Brendan Kavanagh, Erica R. Lopez, Stephen Mullin, Trey Polvadore, Scott Wahlberg, John Williams